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About Mask
About Accessories
John Flemming's masks are sold in both a "Limited Edition" series and an "Open Edition" series. The "Limited Edition" series are limited to ten copies of each work. After careful drawing, a mask is made in a very rough form to work
out its scale, and to create a pattern.

Then, as many as 150 pieces of leather are individually
cut, dyed a different color on each side, intricately
skived, and assembled into a relief form, suggesting
the sculpture's eventual volume.

The entire mask is then soaked in hot water to soften the leather. While still wet, it is attached to a pedestal, to secure it, freeing both of his hands to manipulate the leather. The piece is then heated slowly, in small areas, as it is sculpted entirely "freehand" into its final shape.

View the limited edition mask